About LiveIt! Lifestyle

Over the last 150 years a powerful and sustained trend has moved food production and food consumption away from nature as our source for food to chemicals, degenerating our core health values. Chemicals? Yes, manmade Chemicals! We have replaced real food for artificial ingredients. Our society has turned to drugs and chemicals in virtually every aspect of our lives. Fertilizer? Chemicals! Food? Chemicals! Health care? Chemicals!
Where is the respect for nature? Where are the natural solutions to our environmental and health needs? This disrespect for things natural has given us an unnatural world full of pollution, disease and degeneration.
Ironically, our health disorders that have worsened in our unnatural environment have then been treated even with more drugs and chemicals! This does not make sense! We need to decide once and for all to live a natural lifestyle as free as possible from chemicals, drugs, pollution, pesticides, and toxins. In 1994, in my book The Nutritional Essentials I penned this simple philosophy:
Anything God made is better than everything man made.
Think about it! In modern times man has chosen to rule over nature instead of working with natural laws to improve it, to cultivate it and to work in harmony with it. When man touches things without a natural philosophy to guide him, those things he touches can turn into poison. Examples are unnatural, denatured, packaged, pasteurized and hydrogenated “foods.” They all seem to cause health care problems sooner or later and the drugs used to “take away” the symptoms those “food” choices cause make things even worse!
Let us take a look at the world around us and do our personal best to remove man made toxins and pollutants from our own lives. Let’s take responsibility to move away from synthetic, refined and denatured foods to more natural choices. Let’s move away from pharmaceutical company “solutions” for everything in our lives. Let’s think twice about going to doctors who offer us drugs and only temporary relief.
Choose to LiveIt!
LiveIt! It’s not a diet – It’s a Lifestyle!
The good news is that you have a healthy health care choice! Thousands of natural health care specialists have joined together nationwide to respond to the need for health care professionals who know and respect the power of natural health care choices. These dedicated, professionals will work with you to restore your health, as much as possible, NATURALLY. The LiveIt! Lifestyle Specialist you select will aid, guide and coach you towards natural health solutions.
Please read through our website. We are not selling anything here! We are simply offering you reliable, researched information that if followed and integrated into a natural lifestyle could very well be the exact solution you are seeking.
Regain natural health, achieve wellness, walk a path of health building away from chemicals and back to natural solutions. Begin to LiveIt! again with a lifestyle that supports health, for you and for your family.
LiveIt! It’s a Lifestyle.
Dr. J. Rodney Shelley